Our Story
Hippocrateas began somewhat by chance and very much out of necessity well over 30 years ago. You see, I was struggling with health issues, and no matter which doctor I saw or what they provided, it didn't help.
As a last resort, I changed my diet and discovered medicinal herbs. Dandelion and Burdock and Alfalfa became my new best friends. It was a magical awakening that began when I first stepped foot in the only organic health food store I could find, The Green Earth in Evanston, Illinois. This is where I was first introduced to organically grown food, macrobiotics and biodynamic vegetables. As I swapped everything else I had been eating for this new wholistic diet, I was totally healed.
This is how Hippocrateas began, for at the store they had a sign on the wall that read,
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine.

It was at the Green Earth that I first became aware of Hippocrates ever-so-true words, "Let Food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Perhaps no better guidance has ever been spoken.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine
Discover the secrets they have been hiding from us-secrets that impact Your Health!
The vision for this book came to me that summer I was working at the Green Earth. As I was uncovering the incredible ways the right food and natural medicine can turn people's health around, I had an incredible dream 7 nights in a row, when I finally realized the message that last morning when I awoke. This was when I realized that my mission was to share what I was learning about food and health and the intersections with environmental health with the world.
Learn what foods to eat to be your healthiest, and how to help the Bees and the Planet at the same time.
Get your Book Here!
We donate 10% to help Bees and Pollinators.
Bees and pollinators need our help!
These wonderful creatures make food possible, make health possible. The greatest threat to their survival comes from chemicals used in agriculture. This is why we only use 100% organic ingredients in our products.
Let's all grow abundant food in union with nature rather than at war with it. It's not only the bees' health that depends on it, it's our own.
Save the bees, save the planet!

Exclusive Recipes
our recipes are designed in house-- unique, original, and not available anywhere else.
100% Organic
All our teas are made with only organic ingredients, no sugar and nothing artificial added.
We are passionate about wholistic organic nutrition and herbal medicine. We've been committed to organic farming since 1990.
All Natural
We care about your health. Protecting your health equates with protecting the earth as well. Our teas contain no additives and nothing artificial, no sugar, no artificial flavors.
You and Nature
Nature can change your life. Hippocrateas brings nature to you in a most nourishing way, through herbal tea infusions.
10% to Save the Bees
10% of our profits go to helping save the bees and pollinators. To proect people, this is crucial. Saving pollinators will save the natural food supply. Bees and pollinators are dying primarily from exposure to toxins found in farming & gardening: chemical pesticides, synthetic harmful fertilizers, and fungicides.
With You and the Earth in Mind
Our teas are created with your health and the wellness of our planet in mind.
We collaborate with like-minded people and organizations who have your's, your family and the earth's best interest at heart.
Help us reach our goal to get our first tea truck so we can provide free hot tea to the homeless in Chicago.
We are the most sustainable tea company anywhere.
All our teas, wrapping and packaging is biodegradable, compostable, and nontoxic.
Small Business with a Purpose
We are a small business with a purpose to help humanity and the planet as a whole. Every cup you drink helps us help everyone. Thank you.
Hippocrateas creates small batch, hand crafted
organic herbal infusions designed to restore,
nourish, and protect. All of our herbal recipes are unique and designed in house, and not found anywhere else.
We also now provide organic fair trade certified
traditional teas, many with special herbal notes added.
Our teas are 100% organic, free of GMOs and never with any sugar added or anything artificial, just 100% goodness.

Packaging matters. That's why our teas are provided in glass mason jars that are reusable and collectible. We don't use any toxic materials in any step of our processing. Our labels are designed with recycled kraft paper and nontoxic glue. We've actually moved away from labeling the jars to save even more paper,
so just the lids will have the label.
And if you wish to have your tea in tea bags we only use unbleached biodegradable tea bags free of glue, adhesives and plastic! Our teabags may not be fancy like some of the nylon ones you'll find by other commercial tea brands, but we care more about doing right by the environment than looking fancy. We keep it simple and natural, good for you good for bees! To us, if it doesn't biodegrade and isn't compostable we won't use it. To us, every step matters; we don't overlook even the basics. We are committed to your health as well as the health of all creatures on this planet.
Hippocrateas will always only be made with plants grown as nature intended. Our teas will never contain hazardous synthetic chemicals found in fertilizer or pesticides, nor anything artificial, no added sugar, and definitely no GMOs.
We're dedicated to providing you and your family with teas and herbal infusions created from the best ingredients available. The best cannot be compromised, and the farming methods and entire process must be sustainable, organic and free of pesticides. Until we have our own organic farm,
we will continue to use plants from farms
and growers we trust.
Say NO to Pesticides means saying no to GMOs.
Learn more about Mountain

Hippocrateas donates 5% of our profits to protect the Bees and pollinators that make healthy food possible.
Our health depends on their survival.
Through protecting the planet, we protect ourselves.
Organizations we support include:
Gilda's Club of Chicago, The Rachel Carson Council
The Pesticide Action Network, The V Foundation,
the Walter Payton Foundation,
Organic Consumers Association,
Natural Resources Defense Council, The Sierra Club,

"Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Known throughout the world as the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates is perhaps best known for believing in the power of nutrition to heal disease and illness.
The Hippocratic Oath of 'thou shall do no harm,' is named after him for a reason.
"It was Hippocrates who finally freed medicine from the shackles of magic, superstition, and the supernatural. Hippocrates collected data and conducted experiments to show that disease was a natural process; that the signs and symptoms of a disease were caused by the natural reactions of the body to the disease process; and that the chief role of the physician was to aid the natural resistance of the body to overcome the metabolic imbalance and restore health and harmony to the organism. Hippocrates was born on the island of Cos, off the southwest coast of Asia Minor, or present-day Turkey, around 460 B.C.
Painting located in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale